The Weston Music Center and School of the Performing Arts was founded in 1950 by Constance and Franklin Coates. Since its founding, a skilled and caring faculty has fostered a lifelong love of music in students of all ages, some of whom have pursued advanced training in conservatories or have gone on to professional careers in music.
Children and adults, from beginning to advanced levels, are taught by teachers who are distinguished both for their positions on university faculties and for their activities in the professional world of music.
The Weston Music Center is continuing its tradition of providing first-rate instruction in music and encouraging a love of music to last a lifetime.
The WMC Difference
The Weston Music Center and School of the Performing Arts is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Lesson fees are our only source of income. The Weston Music Center is managed by a small, volunteer administrative staff. By utilizing rental space generously provided by other local nonprofits, and by limiting other operating costs to mandated essentials such as insurance and taxes, we can give an unusually high percentage of lesson fees directly to teachers.
The Weston Music Center offers flexible lesson scheduling. Our faculty members are working musicians with professional commitments, and the modern student can have equally challenging and unpredictable demands on their time. Lessons can be scheduled each week at mutually convenient times, giving students the opportunity to focus on and fully prepare for lessons, and derive the maximum benefit from their time with their teacher.
With these operating principles, students and teachers can form long-term, continuing relationships. It is not uncommon for students to remain in the program from grade school through high school, and in some cases, beyond. The student benefits from progressive and challenging instruction, from foundational technical skills to advanced aspects of performance and musicianship.